Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Lesson-31 Sales Orders


When the order is received from a customer for goods to be supplied, the Items, quantities, date of delivery, etc., details are given with Sales Order Number. Later when these goods are delivered, this Sales Order is tracked for the order Details either in the delivery note or in the sales invoice.
The Outstanding Sales Order reports are available in Tally.ERP 9. It is possible to know the order position of any item in the Stock Summary. Separate Sales Order Outstanding report and Sales Order Summary report are also available.

Creating a Sales Order

Sales orderentry is exactly like the Purchase Order Entry.  Sales Order details will also depend on configuration settings.
To create a Sales Order,
Go to Gateway of Tally > Inventory Vouchers >press Alt + F5 or click on Sales Order

Party's A/c Name

Select the Customer’s name from the List of Ledger Accounts. Press Alt + C to create a new account.

Order No

The Order number is automatically displayed. By default it will take the Voucher number as Order No. You can change this number if required.
You can also configure the voucher type for Sales Order, to get the Suffix and Prefix for the sales orders. (Go to Gateway of Tally > Accounts Info / Inventory Info > Voucher Types > Alter > Sales order > Set Yesto Use Advance Configuration).

Name of the Item

Select the Item for which the order is to be placed from the List of Stock Items. The Item Allocations sub-screen is displayed as shown.
Enter the details as shown.

Due on

Enter the due date for the Delivery of the items. This monitors outstanding Delivery of the items.
If orders are split for different dates, then specify the due date for the first lot to be received. After selecting the quantity, rate and amount; specify the due date for the second lot and so on. After specifying the due dates for all the lots, press Enter in the Due on field to return to the Voucher Creation screen.

Note: Godown/ Location field will appear, if multiple-locationfeature is enabled in F11:Features (F2:Inventory Features).

Quantity, Rate and Amount

Enter the quantity of the item and its rate. The amount will be calculated automatically.


This field is optional. You can give some particulars about the order.




To alter a Sales Order,
Go to Gateway of Tally > Display > Day Book
Go to Gateway of Tally > Display > Inventory Books > Sales Orders Book
Make the necessary alterations and save.


Deleting a Sales Order

To delete a Sales order, press Alt + D in the Sales Order alteration screen.

Lesson-30 Purchase Order


When the order is placed with the suppliers for the supply of goods, the Items, quantities, date of receipt etc., details are given with the Purchase Order Number. Later, when these goods are received, the Purchase Order is tracked for the Order Details either in the receipt note or in the purchase Invoice.

The Outstanding Purchase Order reports are available in Tally.ERP 9. It is possible to know the order position of any item in the Stock Summary. Separate Purchase Order Outstanding report and Purchase Order Summary report are also available.

To enable Purchase Order refer Enabling Order Processing in Tally.ERP 9.

Creating a Purchase Order

To create aPurchase Order,
Go to Gateway of Tally > Inventory Vouchers > press Alt + F4or click on Purchase Order

Party's A/c Name

Select the Supplier’s name from the List of Ledger Accounts. Use Alt + Cto create a new account.

Order No

Enter the purchase order number under Order No column.

Name of the Item

Select the Stock Item that needs to be purchased from the List of Stock Items. The Item Allocations sub-screen is displayed. Enter the details as shown.

Due on

Enter the due date for receipt of the items. This monitors outstanding receipts.
If orders are split for different dates, then specify the due date for the first lot to be received, after selecting the quantity, rate and amount; specify the due date for the second lot and so on. After specifying the due dates for all the lots, press Enter in the Due on field to return to the Voucher Creation screen.

Note: Godown/ Location field will appear, if multiple-locationfeature is enabled in F11:Features (F2:Inventory Features).

Quantity, Rate and Amount

Enter the quantity of the item required and its rate. The amount will be calculated automatically. Accept to save.


This field is optional. Enter the required particulars concerning the order.


To alter a Purchase Order,
Go to Gateway of Tally > Display > Day Book
Go to Gateway of Tally > Display > Inventory Books > Purchase Orders Book
Make the necessary alterations and save.


Deleting a Purchase Order

To delete a Purchase Order, press Alt + Din the Purchase Order alteration screen.

Lesson-29 Enable Order Processing

Order Processing in Tally.ERP 9 can be classified into Purchase/Sales Order Processing and Job Order Processing.

Purchase / Sales Order Processing

Purchase Order Processing is the process of placing orders with suppliers for a purchase to be made from them and Sales Order Processing is the process of receiving orders from customers for the purpose of selling. Usually, companies need to track the Order details for Sales and Purchases as this significantly helps in planning the production process accordingly.
In Tally.ERP 9, Order Processing is linked to Inventory. This allows tracking of the order position for a Stock Item. Using this you can track the arrival of goods ordered and whether the ordered Stock Item are delivered on time etc.

Job Order Processing

Job Order Processing is the process of taking an order to manufacture or process goods as per the prescription of the client by utilising the material supplied by the client or purchased on behalf of the client and charging him for the services provided as Job Work or Sub Contract.
Tally.ERP 9 allows to process the job work taken from a client as well as job work given to job workers. It also allows the principal company to track the materials despatched to job workers and materials received against the job given, and vice versa.  

Purchase Order

Purchase Order is an order placed by a business entity with a supplier for the delivery of specified goods at a given price and at a predetermined time.

Sales order

Sales Order is an order placed by a customer for the delivery of specified goods at a given price and at a predetermined time.

Job Order

Job Order can be classified into Job Work Out Order and Job Work In Order.

Job Work Out Order

Job Work Out Order is an order placed by the principal to manufacture or process goods as per the prescription given to the job worker.

Job Work In Order

Job Work In Order is an order received by the job worker to manufacture or process goods as per the prescription given by the principal.

Enabling Order Processing

To enable Purchase Order, Sales Order and Job Order Processingin Tally.ERP 9, activate the following in F11: Features (F2: Inventory Features)
Set Allow Purchase Order Processing, Allow Sales Order Processing and Job Order Processingto Yes in the Order Processingsection.

Note: When Allow Job Order Processing is set to Yes, the options Maintain Multiple Godowns and Use Material In/Out get enabled automatically.

Required Help!

