Before some days I have problem with my feed, basically feedburner not delivered any email to my subscribers & showing this message "Your Feed size is more than 512k limit, Please reduce this." also webmaster is showing your feed is corrupt or bad. I found a great solution to resolve this problem. Check out following steps to Re-generate your Feedburner Feed.
- Sign in to your FeedBurner account.
- Click the title of your FeedBurner feed on the My Feeds page.
- On the feed management page that appears, click the Edit Feed Details... link just below your feed's title.
- In the Original Feed Address field, change the address listed there from an example like the following:
to the following format:Code:
(Note that max-results sets the number of posts you want to have appear in your FeedBurner feed. Any integer value between 1 and 500 is permitted.) - Click Save Feed Details. Your changes are immediately applied and FeedBurner re-burns the newly shortened (or lengthened) feed.
Original Article posted here