Showing posts with label Blogging. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blogging. Show all posts

Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Reduce Blogger's Feed Size


Before some days I have problem with my feed, basically feedburner not delivered any email to my subscribers & showing this message "Your Feed size is more than 512k limit, Please reduce this." also webmaster is showing your feed is corrupt or bad. I found a great solution to resolve this problem. Check out following steps to Re-generate your Feedburner Feed.
  1. Sign in to your FeedBurner account.
  2. Click the title of your FeedBurner feed on the My Feeds page.
  3. On the feed management page that appears, click the Edit Feed Details... link just below your feed's title.
  4. In the Original Feed Address field, change the address listed there from an example like the following: 


    to the following format: 


    (Note that max-results sets the number of posts you want to have appear in your FeedBurner feed. Any integer value between 1 and 500 is permitted.) 

  5. Click Save Feed Details. Your changes are immediately applied and FeedBurner re-burns the newly shortened (or lengthened) feed.
Original Article posted here

Required Help!

